Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Insuring Green Cars: What To Look For

With an ever increasing emphasis on green products and environmental protection, even car manufacturers are trying to create automobiles that are low on green house emission and energy efficient. There are many pluses to owning an eco no matter their make model or type, but just how does one insure such an automobile? The law is clear - all motor vehicles, vehicle, have to be insured.

Getting caught without insurance can carry heavy penalties and fines and your car can be impounded as a result. This is why it is very important to obtain insurance that will cover the unique circumstances that surround these innovative motor vehicles. Locating the right type of insurance agency Since an eco friendly car is a technologically advanced auto, it carries with it some inherent unknowns. These variables are factored in when devising car quotes. Premiums may fluctuate depending on the type of car and if it is electric or a hybrid. Several insurance companies can be found online that cater to the specific needs of Green Car owners.

Look around for the best rates, but don't go too cheap. Green car insurance can be expensive, but there is reason for this expense. When it comes to insurance for any car, going too cheap can harm your level of coverage. Once you locate an insurance company whose rates seem feasible, call a representative or visit their offices for an in depth discussion of what their green car policy involves. Eco specific insurance There are several companies that offer policies with green specific language.

These policies offer the added benefit of earmarking money towards numerous green projects that protect the environment by cutting down carbon emissions. These policies's often cost a bit 000 eco friendly cars now driving along our nations roads, but with more than 40, more, the initiative may be working. This policy may be a great buy for those who truly wish to aid the environment, but such insurance is usually expensive. New Green Car Insurance initiatives Law makers are doing everything they can to make the environment a priority, even coming up with novel approaches to insurance benefits offered to green car motorists. One option, called "pay-as-you-go" auto insurance, is one way to make eco vehicle insurance far less expensive.

The unorthodox structure involves a process that assesses the numbers of miles an individual drives with the payments being structured around that mileage. The idea behind this is cut down on emissions and gases. The added benefit to this of course, is the lowering of auto accidents. Other benefits of choosing green insurance Insurance companies that offer green policies also go the extra mile by using money for environmental causes beyond emissions and gas concerns. For example, a few companies will back efforts to plant trees or clean up polluted areas of the country. In this reaching beyond the individual protection of an automobile, your Policy dollars can become green dollars, way.

Although green policies are evolving, not all insurance companies carry them. Be sure to investigate the company you are interested in to find out where they stand not only with green insurance but on environmental issues. You would hate to discover that the company you are giving your money to is connected projects or corporations that work counter to green causes. Driving an eco auto could help the earth's ecology in more ways than one. For an environmentally conscience individual, this may be the best solution. As with any consumer product, look around at the various types of green insurance policy's that are being offered to find the best fit.

Once you locate it, you will be able to drive legally as well as in good conscience.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Proper Car Care Includes Rust Protection and Treatment

The average car now costs over $30, The average monthly car payment is now $430 and the loans are near 6 years long on average. With taxes, fees and insurance thrown in the average monthly cost of a car is similar to that of a mortgage payment. Being that we are spending this much on our cars we need to take a renewed look at car care and treatments that will increase the longevity of these major investments. if any, many people neglect their cars and there is little, Sadly, car care done.

Rust can happen anywhere in America (it isn't just a problem for northerners). It is also easy to prevent with a little proper car care. Everyone hates rust and complains about little if anything is ever done to stop or prevent it, but when you look at their cars, it. As evidenced in clinical studies and research by the big 3 auto manufacturers, its not a question of if. It's a question of when. Whether it is salt and industrial fallout and acid rain, salty ocean air, snow, rock etc, road debris, chips.

There are many different elements of nature that exist everywhere and will do harm and weaken your car's finish and allow rust to start. The metal on your car is mostly protected by a very thin coating of paint and primer. Rust is caused by a loss in electrons of the metal and can occur as soon as the thin paint coating is jeopardized. First, to prevent rust it is best to protect your paint. Proper car care will not only protect, but strengthen the paint. A good cleaning and waxing regimen once every two months has been proven by AAA to greatly reduce the occurrence of rust.

Regular cleaning will remove contaminates that will weaken or even etch into the paint. Car wax or car polish will create a stronger, slippery surface that will be more impervious to the elements and help seal out moisture which can start the rusting process. To properly apply car wax or car polish you apply it one section at a time and allow to dry to a haze. Then you buff it off and repeat 2 - 3 times for maximum protection. People who regularly use car wax or car polish in their car care routine have a much lower incidence of rust. If you notice a scratch or chip, nick that goes through the paint make sure you treat it properly.

Get matching touchup paint by using the paint code inside your door jamb (most auto parts stores and dealers will have this matching paint or can get it for you). You will only need a small 1 oz. bottle for most scratches. Use a toothpick so you get the paint exactly where it is nick, in the scratch, needed, etc. not all around it. Completely cover any exposed metal. Then apply a clear coat touch up paint for best protection. This will seal out moisture and prevent rust from occurring. If you are in a jam you can always use clear nail polish to cover the exposed metal.

If rust has set in, then the required car care and treatment gets more complex. The rust spot must be sanded down and exposed. It is then treated with a anti-rust which will chemically react with the rust changing its chemical and electrostatic properties. Then it must be sanded down, primered and then painted. With the complexity of today's automotive paints it is probably best to leave complex rust and car care to the professionals (most auto body shops will be glad to do this for you and you will have guaranteed excellent and long lasting results). As it is said, "You get what you pay for. " A cheap repair is just so is cheap or non-existant car care, and for the same matter, that.

Rust can be prevented and your cars finish maintained with a little proper car care and the use of car wax or polish.

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Avoiding Sour Negotiations in Real Estate

Real Estate
Real Estate
Real Estate
Real Estate
Real Estate

Negotiating can be tough. It is more an art of applying techniques to each unique transaction rather than cut and dry responses. With home sales, each home has a person behind it with emotions that can be triggered either positively or negatively. Whether I am the agent for the buying or selling end, I try to advise my clients with facts rather than emotions.

I have run into other agents who get quite emotional and defensive about a but as the agent, and I can understand that inclination because some deals can just become so frustrating, transaction, it is best to take a step back and provide professional consultation instead of escalating your client's emotions. These are some negotiating techniques to keep in mind as options rather than letting a negotiation go sour. Don't sweat the small stuff. It is common that people will haggle or get attached to small things like refrigerators. I try to put these things in perspective for my clients. Would you rather convey a $1000 used fridge to these buyers who are ready to move forward with just this one if you look at the overall picture of how much it will cost to put something back on the market, or do you want to put it back on the market and pay more mortgage payments until the next buyer is interested?

A lot of times, concession, including and insurance, taxes, mortgage, there will be a breaking point at which the seller understands it is not worth the money. From the buying is it really worth the fridge to spend more time looking and spend money on another inspection? Sometimes your client will say that it is worth ending the deal, if we take the fridge example again, perspective, and in that but most people become rational after they get past the initial emotions of , you will represent them as they want, case"wanting" something. And some clients will even thank you for helping them through the small things. Negotiating other issues.

Think creatively. Sales price is not the only issue in a transaction. Closing a couple weeks earlier may be the best for both parties and can be negotiated rather than concentrating only on sales price. One new home buyer offered her home to be on a property tour once a month in exchange for $5000 in closing costs paid by the seller. Basically, understand the other party's situation so that you can try to come up with something that might benefit them as well as who you are representing.

That way, you can hopefully turn the negotiations into a win-win situation. Offering packages. As a buyer, don't negotiate one thing at a time. When you present items to be always do this as a list, for example repairs, resolved. That way, you can trade-off one thing for another.

For one, negotiating one thing at a time is a waste of time when everything can be discussed at once. Everyone is busy with their lives, and no one wants to be pestered multiple times about one more repair item. This just makes the seller progressively more irritated and less agreeable to the next thing you ask for. and you can set your boundary of what can be left out and what absolutely must get resolved, the list format forces the issues to be prioritized, Also. Dealing with threats. This does not happen often, but some people will threaten termination as a bargaining technique. I would not advise using this technique, but it is good to know how to deal with it because the typical natural reaction is to tell them to buzz off.

One solution is to ignore it and just talk about the strong points of your property or client. You can also re-frame threats to show that it is not in their best interest. Knowing when bargaining zones do not overlap. Sometimes the negotiations are just not going to happen. A buyer and seller are at opposite ends.

In this case, rather than continue to make ridiculous demands (or at least seen as ridiculous by the other side) and creating a volatile situation, it is time to end the transaction and move on.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Disability Insurance Quotes: A Necessity Today!

Disability Insurance Quotes
Disability Insurance Quotes
Disability Insurance Quotes
Disability Insurance Quotes
Disability Insurance Quotes
Disability Insurance
Disability Insurance
Disability Insurance
Disability Insurance
Disability Insurance

Today's global financial crisis has left many people focusing on basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing. An insurance policy is a need that many people opt to skip getting at the moment. While this is understandable, an insurance company could be a life saver in times when we least expect it. it is wise to invest in a good disability policy, if there is still a little savings left despite the hard times, So. Just remember get disability insurance quotes before deciding on a policy. Disability insurance is something that every career person needs.

Different careers need different kinds of policies. often cannot work again, if injured, Doctors. Therefore they are perfect candidates for physician disability insurance. These policies may cost higher than other career based insurance policies. This is a physician earns higher than many in other fields, as we all know, because. It takes a lot of knowledge and an expensive tuition to finish a medical degree and another several years of practice before gaining credibility as a medical practitioner or specialist. There's no doubt that they earn their living for services rendered, but what happens when they're injured?

Most doctors and other medical professionals are not able to work at all when disabled or injured. This means that once a physician is disabled, then that will be the end of a career. Which is one big reason why it is a must to get a policy that will pay for your well being while you are unable to work. Choosing a carrier maybe tricky because there are all sorts of physicians specializing in many different areas of medical science, and there are just as many companies offering policies to those individuals. Before asking for quotes, there are many details to consider. One thing to look into is that the information should not be ambiguous in terms of particular medical specialty.

There are physician disability insurance policies for general medical professionals and this should not be confused with those that are geared toward private practice professionals. Be very careful with your decision as there are two distinct kinds of provisions to choose from. These are between residual coverage with time and duties provisions and loss of income residual disability provisions. The first kind stops all benefit claims once a physician has resumed back to work after disability leave. This is good only for physicians who work on a fixed hourly rate such as resident doctors in a hospital. The second is good for those who are running their own business because once the physician has returned to work after a disability leave, he or she still gets a benefit claim which is proportional to the amount of lost income.

It takes into consideration the fact that it takes time to build credibility as a such credibility needs to be built up again after a disability, and in many cases, physician. This suggests that after a disability, a physician may have to adjust the fees to lower as credibility needs to be boosted again. Very important before choosing a policy from the many disability insurance quotes you've received is to know the companies background. Nobody would want to pay for premiums only to find out that by the time a claim is made, the insurance company has declared bankruptcy. Physicians are highly regarded for their career. And the nature of their jobs varies from being inside the hospital to being sent to remote missions.

Any injury can happen at any time and cause disability and loss of income. During this time and in any other time, getting disability insurance quotes is a good idea.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Your Debts and Debt Collectors


The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) applies to and household debts, family, personal. This includes money you owe for the purchase of a or for charge accounts, for medical care, car. The FDCPA prohibits debt collectors from engaging in or abusive practices while collecting these debts, deceptive, unfair. Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: • Debt collectors may contact you only between 8 a. m. and 9 p. m. • Debt collectors may not contact you at work if they know your employer disapproves. • Debt collectors may not or abuse you, oppress, harass. • Debt collectors may not lie when collecting debts, such as falsely implying that you have committed a crime. • Debt collectors must identify themselves to you on the phone. • Debt collectors must stop contacting you if you ask them to do so in writing.

Solving Your Credit Problems Your credit report can influence your purchasing rent or buy an apartment or a house, as well as your opportunity to get a job, power, and buy insurance. When negative information in your report is accurate, only the passage of time can assure its removal. A consumer reporting company can report most accurate negative information for seven years and bankruptcy information for 10 years. Information about an unpaid judgment against you can be reported for seven years or until the statute of limitations runs out, whichever is longer. There is no time limit on reporting information about criminal convictions.

Information reported in response to your application for a job that pays more than $75, 000 a year. And information reported because you’ve applied for more than $150, 000 worth of credit or life insurance. There is a standard method for calculating the seven-year reporting period. Generally, the period runs from the date that the event took place. If you are having problems paying your bills, contact your creditors immediately.

Try to work out a modified payment plan with them that reduces your payments to a more manageable level. Don’t wait until your account has been turned over to a debt collector. Here are some additional tips for solving credit problems: • If you want to dispute a credit write to the appropriate company and send your letter â�, bill or credit denial, report��œreturn receipt requested. ” • When you dispute a billing account number, include your name, error, the dollar amount in question, and the reason you believe the bill is wrong. • If in doubt, request written verification of a debt. • Keep all your original sales slips, especially receipts, documents, and billing statements. You will need them if you dispute a credit bill or report. Send copies only.

It may take more than one letter to correct a problem. • Be skeptical of businesses that offer instant solutions to credit problems: There aren’t any. • Be persistent. Resolving credit problems can take time and patience. • There is nothing that a credit repair company can charge you for that you cannot do for yourself for little or no cost. If you’re not disciplined enough to create a workable budget and stick to or keep track of mounting bills, work out a repayment plan with your creditors, it, consider contacting a credit counseling organization. Many credit counseling organizations are nonprofit and work with you to solve your financial problems. But not all are reputable.

For example, just because an organization says it’s “nonprofit, ” there’s no guarantee that its services are or even legitimate, affordable, free. In or hide their fees by pressuring consumers to make â�, some credit counseling organizations charge high fees, fact��œvoluntary” contributions that only cause more debt. Most credit counselors offer services through local or on the telephone, the Internet, offices. If possible, find an organization that offers in-person counseling. Many credit unions, military bases, universities, housing authorities, and branches of the U. S. Cooperative Extension Service operate nonprofit credit counseling programs.

Your financial and friends and family also may be good sources of information and referrals, local consumer protection agency, institution. Reputable credit counseling organizations can advise you on managing your money and and offer free educational materials and workshops, help you develop a budget, debts. Their counselors are certified and trained in the areas of consumer and budgeting, money and debt management, credit. Counselors discuss your entire financial situation with you, and help you develop a personalized plan to solve your money problems. An initial counseling session typically lasts an hour, with an offer of follow-up sessions.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Refi Readiness: How to Determine if Refinancing is a Viable Option

Online Banking
Online Banking
Online Banking
Online Banking
Online Banking
Internet Banking
Internet Banking
Internet Banking
Internet Banking
Internet Banking

With the recent lowering of the federal funds rate, and the Fed's move to slash it yet again to a range of 0 to 25 percent, many homebuyers are scrambling to refinance their mortgages in an effort to take advantage of falling rates. there are some considerations to make as to how viable an option refinancing is for you, before doing so, However. Most importantly, the rate advertised by a financial institution is not the rate being offered to every client. The very best deals are only going to be available for those with a pristine credit score. After all, banks need to carefully safeguard their investments.

Those with a credit history dogged by late and loans that end in collections are going to pay more than the average, defaulted loans, payments, if indeed they qualify at all. It may be necessary to review your credit history as reported by the three agencies (TransUnion, Equifax and Experian) if you have not done so recently and take the appropriate steps to fix the negative items and verify that credit information has been accurately reported. Another important factor a consumer should examine when considering a refinance is how long he or she expects to be in the home. Such knowledge plays an essential role in selecting the right financial product. A reputable lender can provide necessary guidance in helping make such decisions.

Other aspects to consider are how much lower the interest rate will be on a new equity built up in the home, closing costs, loan, and whether the purpose of the refinancing is to generate cash. Also, bear in mind how long it will take to recoup the closing costs. To do so, divide the upfront cost (all closing costs) by the monthly savings you expect. This will indicate how many months it will take to break even. If it's going to take five years to break it, and you expect to stay in the house for only four years, even's likely not worth it. think carefully how beneficial this will be in the long run, if acquiring that attractive lower rate is going to require paying points, Also.

Some consumers want the very best rate their money can buy. For others paying a lump sum to achieve that rate may prove to be detrimental. It may seem logical to refinance with the current lender because the lender knows the payment history and property. However, this may be a bit trickier than it seems. For which means you are not considered a current customer, the firm that originated the existing loan may not have retained it, instance.

And the current lender servicing the loan may not be handle originations in your market, which means they are unable to service a new loan. It's a good idea to shop around for the best rate and terms, such as closing costs. For those who will apply for a loan through several lenders, do so in a 30-day period. Your credit score won't be hurt by comparison shopping if the applications are made within a short time frame. When looking at the bottom-line numbers, don't forget to take into account not only the principal and private mortgage insurance, but items such as property taxes, interest, and homeowner insurance.

Together, these add up to the monthly payment which should represent approximately 25 percent of your monthly take-home pay for the average American. While it won't have an impact on the outcome of the application think about how the additional income will be used, when considering a refinance, process. Many choose to invest the difference to build up their financial portfolio. Others may use the cash to make home or education costs for children, bill repayment, improvements. Whatever the reason may be, determine in what way the additional cash will be applied.

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Online Car Auctions – 8 Great Reasons To Buy Online

Are you tired of the hassle of trying to buy a car through a dealer? Haggling with the salesman to get what you think is a great price only to find out from your buddy the great price he paid for his car. Or worse yet seeing the same car advertised at a lower price a day later.

Have you ever heard of someone getting a car at an incredible police agencies or government, or wondered what happens to cars seized by the banks, price. Are you curious about what happens to t pre-owned government vehicles? These cars are sold at auction. Some at onsite auctions and some at online car auctions. Buyers can get these cars for thousands less then retail and some starting at bids of $100. If saving that kind of money isn’t a good enough reason to visit an online car auction then here are six more. Online Car Auctions are Fun Online car auction can be a lot of fun.

First there is the excitement of bidding for that car you’ve always wanted. Then there is the thrill of getting your dream car at a dream price. You could even practice by guessing what the top bid will be and see how close you come. How much would you have saved? Online Car Auctions Are Convenient What a better place to shop for a car then in the comfort of your own home. Or if you have a laptop then you could bid anywhere.

You could bid at your favorite coffee shop, or at the office (during lunch of course). In addition you can be researching your loans, the seller, car, insurance, or surfing your favorite sites while waiting for your winning bid to come through. Online Car Auctions Save Time and Effort Driving from dealership to dealership, or from private owner to private owner can waste a lot of your precious time and play havoc with your nerves. What if your schedule just doesn’t give you the time to run around? At today’s gas prices who wants to do all that driving. With online car auctions you set your own schedule for research and can bid at home or during coffee break or lunch.

Online Car Auctions Make Paperwork Easy Many online car auction sites provide services to make your buying experience as simple as possible. They have automated forms to allow the processing of your sale to happen as quickly and easily as possible. They provide courses on proper bidding procedures. Online car auction sites provide access to companies that help you with finances and insurance. For your sense of peace many sites offer the ability to check the V. I. N number of the car you wish to purchase.

There is a lot of competition out there so they do what they can to provide that great customer service experience. Online Car Auctions Are Where You Get Your Car At A Bargain Price Online car auctions are one of the best places to get a great car at a bargain price. Thousands of motorcycles and SUV�, trucks, cars�s end up in auctions. Many of these vehicles are in prime condition. Being either repossessed by banks or law enforcement agencies, or pre-owned government vehicles. Many sites boast cars sold for savings as high as 90% of retail.

While this is possible most vehicles go for around wholesale or blue book value. Still a sizeable savings over anything you can get from a dealership. Online Car Auctions Help You Stay On Budget A major problem faced buy most buyers is letting your emotions influence your buying decision. Something the average car dealer knows how to exploit. Online car auction sites protect you from the heat of bidding by allowing you to place a maximum bid level before starting the auction. This way you can only bid as much as you common sense will allow.

That is as long as you don’t let your emotion decide the maximum bid to begin with. Online Car Auctions Offer Great Choice There is thousands of seized and pre-owned cars at auction. You can find almost any make or model of vehicle at online car auctions. Even if the car is unavailable in your area it may be available in the near future or in a city close to you. Depending on the site they may offer access to vehicles in your immediate area or across the country. There are free online auction sites and sites where you purchase a membership for a small one-time fee.

These sites offer instant access to large databases of online and conventional auctions across the United States. Online Car Auction Sites Provide Peace of Mind It’s very important to online car auction sites to maintain a good reputation. To this end many sites provide services such as vehicle history reports for a small fee, or programs to protect buyers from fraud or misrepresentation. You may even be able to check out the sellers rating if they have sold on that site before. There are also resources on how to purchase a car online and how to bid to your advantage.

Give Online Car Auctions a Try. Just Remember Information is your friend. Like any major purchase you should do your homework on the vehicle you plan to purchase. Once that homework is done familiarize yourself with the policies and guarantees offered by the online car auction site. Find out what you can about the vehicle and the seller. Look into insurance and financing options.

Prepare well and you should have a very enjoyable experience and own the car of your dreams for thousands less than the guy next door.

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